Trophy Price List 2025 – DKK

At Gaspare Spanio Safaris we have a broad variety of top quality trophy animals.
And o
ur mission is to make your hunt an adventure of a lifetime.

Trophy Hunting Fees
Baboon 2300.00
Blesbuck 3600.00
White Blesbuck 5400.00
Bushbuck 8000.00
Civet Cat (African Civet) 8500.00
Caracal 8500.00
Bush Pig 4500.00
Duiker 3500.00
Eland 16800.00
Impala Common 3600.00
Impala Black 12000.00
Kudu 16800.00
Klipspringer 8500.00
Mountain Reedbuck 8500.00
Nyala 14800.00
Oryx / Gemsbuck 9000.00
Ostrich 3500.00
Porcupine 2500.00
Steinbuck 3500.00


Tsessebe 15000.00
Warthog 2600.00
Waterbuck 16000.00
Zebra 8000.00
Red Hartebeest 8800.00
Black Wildebeest 8500.00
Golden Wildebeest 16000.00
Blue Wildebeest (Gnu) 7500.00
Springbuck Common 4000.00
Springbuck Black 7200.00
Springbuck White 10000.00
Springbuck Copper 8000.00
Roan Antelope 35000.00
Jackal 1500.00
Vervet Monkey 1500.00
Sable 30000.00
Giraffe 16800.00
Buffalo 68000.00
Crocodile on request
Hippopotamus on request


All prices, menus etc are subject to change without notice. We can not be held accountable for errors in texts, prices etc.